Sunday, December 15, 2013

EUR/Cross Focus - Bullish EUR note 13th Nov 2013

My final issue on 13th Nov 2013, a bullish note on various EUR crosses with emphasis on  Short EM v/s Long DM.

The year end couldn't end  with more drama  with ECB delivering a surprise rate cut. A week later I issued  Long EUR against EM and pointed out massive break higher in EUR/Commodities as forecasted by my stat arb model.

I tweeted on Nov 12 "My daily euro cross model is bullish and has forecasted large upside moves in EUR crosses." Supporting my issue I then tweeted again on 20th Nov re-emphasizing "EUR/TRY heads higher towards 2.80." My original forecast was 2.85 however on 26th Nov bounced of aggressively and my pattern recognition model picked up the bounce. The  pair was trading at 2.7250 on 26th Nov  and following  2 weeks from my tweet the pair traded 2.82.

EUR/HUF is still half way and EUR/INR a little disappointing as it hasn't moved . Other EUR crosses have
rallied 5-8 figures .

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